Family, Friends, Frenemies, & Foes: The Internet Social Media Edition
Where church mice become Keyboard Killers & Thumb Thugs,
And people you don't know, care, or think about throw shade…all subs.
Where people post nonsense and tell their business for likes and attention
But, are offended when they hear about what they posted being mentioned.
Where everyone who doesn't have a job will flash stacks and stacks of money
Not caring that the police troll the internet...Dummies!
Where people won't talk to you publicly because of how they talk about you privately
That doesn’t mean that they don’t stalk your page, they just do so quietly.
Where people hop, skip, run, and jump to discuss family issues
When no one ever knew that there was a problem, and as if outsiders will advise you.
Where you learn that a family member or close friend is ill, has given birth, or passed on;
Finding out things on social media when someone could’ve easily picked up the phone.
Where relatives are best friends with your enemies,
No trust, no love, no loyalty.
Where an entire internet site will band together to attack one person,
And in this particular day and age, things will only worsen.
Where people will defend, congratulate, and empathize with others,
And not acknowledge their own mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, sisters, or brothers.
To sum it up, the internet is kind of like the Army.
Many people go there to be all, whoever, and whatever they want to be.